Tuesday, July 3, 2012

I'm taking the plunge!

Hello blog world! 
I am taking the plunge into the blogging world because I have a vested interest in speech therapy. I spend hours a week reading insight from some of my favorite bloggers. In doing so, I realized that I have some ideas to incorporate as well. I know there are a lot of blogs out there, so I hope you stick with me as we dive into speech therapy from my little corner!

A little about me:
My name is Courtney and I am living my passion as a speech therapist! I completed my undergrad and graduate degrees at the same university and in between those significant life chapters, I embraced the journey as a wife. I recently completed my CF year and am in transition to certified SLP. Whew! I spent the 2011-2012 school year as a speech therapist serving a diverse middle school population. I had students on caseload ranging from those with multiple disabilities/severe disabilities to those with articulation disorders, who are considered "gifted". Of all of these students, none warmed my heart more than those who caused me to think a little bit more than the average. Those students who required me to "think outside of the box" were my favorite and left me feeling extremely challenged! Who doesn't love a challenge? I find it switches up the monotony of the speech room when I have to take a student and tweak my typical treatment thoughts to better serve them! 

My hope is that you will find this blog to be a place you can come and gain insight. I look forward to working alongside you, all the while sharing tools I have created to switch it up in my little speech corner. 



  1. Hi Courtney! Welcome to the blogging world and thanks for the comment on my blog!


    1. Thank you Carrie! I am sure it is going to take me a while to feel completely acclimated, but my time spent so far has been enjoyable!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yay! I am so glad you took the plunge :) Welcome to blogging!

    1. Ha! =) Thanks, Jenn! I appreciate your support! I don't know if you noticed, but you are saved under my favorite SLP blogs! Happy 4th!

    2. :) I added you to my sidebar too! Happy 4th!!!

  4. Thanks Ruth! I enjoy reading your blog and have gained great insight from it. I especially appreciated your snippet on Google Docs. The only thing I have yet to figure out is how to do so in a way that is anonymous per student. With the route technology is taking, it would be a great thing to figure out.

    At one point, I tried putting in the basics to my data sheet in per kiddo. I had each kiddo identified by a number 01, 02, 03, etc., but that got confusing. Maybe sometime I will figure it out, blog about it, and reference your Google Docs blog post, so that my readers can make the connection to it. Maybe you have some advice as to how to do so in a way that keeps the student's information private?
