Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A very brief peek at my daily documentation!

Happy 4th of July! I hope you are spending your time with friends and family celebrating the independence of the fabulous US of A. =)

I am home for the day because, as of most of you, I don't have to work. My husband on the other hand is at work today. He is a physical therapist in a skilled nursing facility. Poor guy! 

This only means that I have some time on my hands. I just completed the update to the daily notes pages I use. They are super quick and efficient. I discovered them somewhere along the way, so if you are the original creator, let me know and I will give you credit! I have recreated them so they fit my needs in the schools and you can too! If you want the excel document to do so, let me know. I will be happy to share it with you! 

Here is how it works:

All it takes is putting the student's name, teacher, grade, ID # (I use the number associated with their IEP so it is there for quick reference), and goal. Then on the dates you see the student, put the date, circle the appropriate alpha/alphanumeric combination, and write in your bit of data. It takes a matter of seconds! 

Below is a full page view of the data entry portion without the key. The more you get use to the format, the less you will need the key! I hope you can use this, or gain an idea as to how to personalize your own data entry, so that data collection can be completed in a more time-efficient way!

If you have any interest in this you can download it here! Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help this better suit your needs!

Daily documentation is tough! Let me know how you tackle it in the comments!


  1. I'm glad you started a blog Courtney! I look forward to seeing what you write.

    I like the look of your data sheets. Do you keep track of percentage toward goal, or is your final column enough for your needs? I'm always on the lookout for improving my data sheets. Maybe I should add one to my blog to compare :)

    Best of luck! I look forward to reading more.

    1. Thanks, Mary! I tend to have a scrap piece of paper for my +/- and such. I thought about combining them, but wasn't sure how to do so. I'm still not really sure. If a particular activity works best and is motivating for a kiddo, then I tend to write that in, just for the sake of my memory, but otherwise it is just a percentage/brief description.

      Please add your thoughts on data sheets. I think, as a whole, SLPs are constantly trying to figure out how to perfect their data taking. Your thoughts would be a great addition!

  2. I like it! I bet you could use google docs to keep data on the iPad as well! I just bought the Super Duper Data Tracker. I like the thought behind it. We'll see once school starts back up how practical it is for data collection!

    1. You know, Carrie, I tried to figure out how to incorporate this into Google Docs. I struggled with figuring out how to keep it private for each kiddo. I did a number system, but that got confusing. I liked that I could create a form and that couple be exported to an excel sheet with all the information available. I might have to look into it again before the school year starts.

      The only problem I have with data tracking apps on the iPad is that the iPad cannot be used for other target specific/goal oriented apps when you are using them. With as busy as I am, I cannot go back and enter data into the data tracking app after the fact. Hmm. Let me know how you like Super Duper's app. I have it too, and like it, but I haven't figured out how to work it into my therapy room without having spotty data. It seemed I would be able to track one week because I was doing a printable/game activity, but if I used the iPad for therapy, the data was lost on a piece of scratch paper in my room.

    2. I have a typo. Instead of the work couple, it should be could! =)
